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十届全国人大三次会议闭幕会后,温家宝总理在人民大会堂三楼中央大厅会见中外记者,并回答记者提问. [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 0  发表于: 2005-03-22
Wen: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. As you know, there are more than 2,000 journalists from China and abroad covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions. However, due to the limited seating capacity of this hall, only about 700 of them are present here. I'd like to use this opportunity to express my thanks to the journalists for their interest in China's reform and development as well as their objective and fair coverage of China.
Let me also say, as a matter of fact, every person in China has great interest in the affairs of their own country. Yesterday I logged onto xinhuanet.com and saw hundreds of questions raised by ordinary people, since they knew I was going to give a press conference. I was deeply touched by their interest in national affairs. Many of their proposals and suggestions narrowed the serious consideration of the government.

Now the session of the NPC is over, yet the road ahead could be rather bumpy. We must be mindful of potential problems and get fully prepared for the worst. We must be sober-mined, cautious, prudent especially when the situation is getting a little better.

Our nation has gone through so many disasters and hardships in history that we are now blessed with the essence of urgency, determination for survival and aspirations for peace and development. Our country is so big, problems so numerous and complicated. And we, as a nation, must have courage to overcome difficulty, confidence to win and dauntless spirit to work hard and prevail.

Today I'm here at this press conference ready to answer your questions. I'll speak from my heart. I'm neither nervous nor afraid.

Xinhua: Last year, you said macro-regulation was a new and severe task for the government. It was no easier a task than fighting against SARS. Now that a year has passed could you comment on last year's work with regard to macro regulation? Could you speak to new features and characteristics of macro regulation for this year? Will you intensify the policy measures?

Wen: In the past couple of years, we have been facing a battle of contact in terms of economic development. To fight this battle, we have combined a series of policies. We can say now these policy measurers have achieved remarkable results.

We have been successful in avoiding major ups and downs in the economy, preventing excessive price hikes, keeping prices at a stable level and maintaining steady and fairly rapid economic growth. Now we must not slacken in our efforts in the slightest way. The situation we are facing now is like going upstream. If we don't forge ahead, we will be left lagging behind. Let me put the problems we face in proper prospective.

First, the foundation for macro regulation needs to be consolidated further. We face considerable difficulty in further raising grain output and increasing farmers' income. In particular, because of price rises in capital goods, it is more difficult for us to achieve these goals in terms of increasing grain output and farmers' incomes. Moreover, investment growth in fixed assets may pick up again. Coal, electricity, oil and transportation are in short supply. In the first two months of this year, power generation has increased by 12 per cent. Yet 25 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities experienced blackouts. In the economy, the supply chain is overstretched.

Second, we are facing a series of dilemmas in our economy. For example, a slow economic growth rate won't do, because it would make it more difficult for us to create jobs, increase revenue, and engage in necessary undertakings for society. Yet too fast economic growth rate won't do either, because it may make the economy to stretched out for a long time in an unsustainable situation.

Third, the problems we face in China's economy can all boil down to structural problems, growth patterns and institutional problems. All these deep-rooted and underlying problems will take time to be addressed. In a word, the top priority for the government is to further strengthen and improve macro regulative policy measures in order to sustain a steady and fairly rapid economic growth rate
yuze1981 威望 +3 - 2005-03-22
只看该作者 1  发表于: 2005-03-22
姜恩柱] 女士们、先生们,上午好。我们非常荣幸和高兴地邀请国务院总理温家宝与采访十届全国人民代表大会三次会议的中外记者见面,并回答大家的提问。现在请温总理先讲几句话。

  [温家宝] 各位记者,女士们、先生们,大家好。据我知道,参加两会采访的中外记者有2000多名。因为今天会场的限制,到会采访的只有700多名。借此机会,我对记者们对中国改革和建设的关心和客观公正的报道,表示衷心的感谢。我还要说一下,其实关心两会的是全中国人民。昨天我浏览了一下新华网,他们知道我今天开记者招待会,竟然给我提出了几百个问题。我觉得他们对国事的关心,深深感动了我。他们许多建议和意见是值得我和我们政府认真考虑的。


  [新华社记者] 总理您好,我是新华社记者。也是新华网的记者。首先请允许我代表全体新华社记者,感谢总理在百忙之中登录我们的新华网。去年您曾经讲过,宏观调控对政府是一个新的重大考验,这个考验不亚于SARS的考验。现在一年多过去了,我想请问总理的是,您对去年的宏观调控有怎样的评价?今年宏观调控有什么特点?力度会不会进一步加大?谢谢。

  [温家宝] 过去两年我们在经济上遭遇了一场遭遇战,我们及时、果断地采取了宏观调控的措施,打了一套“组合拳”。现在可以说,宏观调控取得了明显的成效。我们成功地避免了经济的大起大落,避免了物价的过度上涨。我们保持了经济平稳、较快地运行,保持了物价的基本稳定。但是我们丝毫不可松懈,摆在我们面前的形势如同逆水行舟,不进则退。




只看该作者 2  发表于: 2005-03-22
Bloomberg: A lot of social problems have cropped up in the course of rapid economic development in China, and one of them is the wealth gap. To address problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers is top on your agenda. But some people are saying unless farmers are granted the right to use land or they are transferred the ownership of the land, it is impossible to solve the problems. Do you think it is possible to grant farmers land use rights or give them the ownership of the land?

Wen: China's reform started in the countryside. China's rural reform started with the right to manage land by farmers. In the countryside, land is under collective ownership. In the early days of the reform and opening up, the first step we adopted in the countryside was to set up the family contract responsibility system. Farmers were given the right to manage their land, and such rights of the farmer have been extended time and again. Now I can say directly that farmers' autonomy to manage their land won't change for a long time. Actually it will never change.

ERA News from Taiwan: The just-concluded session of National People's Congress adopted the Anti-Secession Law by an overwhelming majority. The passage of the new law has been a subject of great interest to many people. People are especially interested in a section of the law which provides for continued exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits.

My questions are: Under the framework of the new law, what specific measures will the State Council adopt to promote the continued exchanges?

Moreover, there are many business people from Taiwan living in cities on the mainland, either doing business or they have already settled down. Will this law affect their interests? If not, will the law actually turn out to be promoting and protecting their interests?

Wen: Let me first ask you a question: "Have you read the law?"

ERA News: I have some knowledge of the law and I've read the explanatory notes related to the law.

Wen: I must thank this journalist from Taiwan for raising this question.
First of all, let me send my greeting to the 23 million compatriots in Taiwan.

Your question actually gets to the essence of this law. This law is meant to strengthen and promote cross-Straits relations. This is the law for the peaceful reunification, and it is not targeted against the people in Taiwan, nor is it a war bill.

The law has clearly provided for promoting personnel exchanges, encouraging and facilitating economic co-operation, including "three direct links" between the two sides, encouraging and facilitating exchanges between the two sides in educational, scientific, technological and cultural fields.

The law has also provided for protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan business people.

The law is matched to check and oppose Taiwan Independence forces.

Only by checking and opposing Taiwan independence forces, will peace emerge in the Taiwan Straits.

Peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits will create favourable conditions for Taiwan business people to invest in the mainland and also for foreign investors to come to the mainland.

You ask for specific measures, that is, according to the recent important remarks made by Party Secretary-General Hu Jintao on the question of Taiwan, we will protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan business people in the mainland; for anything that is conducive to the people of Taiwan, we will do it.

First, we should promptly make cross-Straits charter passenger flights available not only on traditional festivals, but also on a more permanent basis.

Second, we should adopt measures to address the issues related to sales of agricultural products from Taiwan, especially, southern Taiwan to the mainland.

Third, we should promptly solve problems so that fishermen from the mainland can continue their contract labour services in Taiwan. There are other favourable policies and convenient measures we will adopt for this purpose.

Reuters: The renminbi question has been the focus of world attention, with many foreign trading partners urging China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate. China has said it could be a long term process, but what reform plans do you favour now? And, when will the first change occur?
Wen: China's exchange rate reform actually started in 1994 and it has not stopped even today. Our objective for the reform is to create a market-based, managed and floating exchange rate.

When we consider reform plans, our purpose is to make the exchange rate more responsive to supply and demand in the market. What we have been doing is to lay a solid foundation for such reform. A number of necessary conditions would include first, macroeconomic stability and growth, and second, a healthy financial situation.

In the meantime, we have already eased many of the controls on foreign exchange.

When we talk about change in the exchange rate regime, or revaluation of the renminbi, we have to ask questions like what impacts these measures will have on China's economy and Chinese enterprises, and what impacts they will have on our neighbouring countries and other countries in the world. On these issues, no agreement has been reached.

Frankly speaking, many of the people who have been strongly urging the revaluation of the renminbi haven't given much thought to the problems that would arrive from doing so.

China is a responsible country. When we decide upon the revaluation of our currency, or reforming our exchange rate regime, we must take into consideration not only our domestic interests, but also possible impacts on neighbouring countries and the world.

Finally, let me say that work related to exchange rate reform is in progress. Regarding the timing of the reforms and measures to be adopted, maybe they will come around unexpectedly.

China Central Television: You have spoken on many occasions that the economic priority for 2005 is to further promote reform and you have called this year "a year of reform." In your report on the government's work, you emphasize that the task for this year is to deepen reform unswervingly, and to remove the structural integument to economic growth. Then in your view, what are the most urgent issues to be addressed this year?

Wen: Right, I have said on many occasions that this year is "a year of reform."

I said so for three reasons: First, to eliminate the destabilizing and unhealthy factors in the economy and to solidify the achievements of macro regulations will have to rely on reform.

Second, to address the deeply rooted problems in the economy and achieve a restructured transformation of the economic growth pattern will rely on reform.

Third, to realize social fairness and justice and build a harmonious society will also have to rely on reform.

Reform is not a task for any single year. It is going to be a long-term task. And, in many cases with regard to reform, "sooner is better than later." Otherwise the problems will become too entrenched to unravel.

For this year, there are five priorities in our reform.

First, to restructure government bodies and to transform the functions of the government.

Second, to promote State-owned enterprise reform, focusing on corporate governance and share-holding systems.

Third, to promote financial reform, which is a critical and often problematic aspect of our economy and requires great efforts from us.

Fourth, rural reform. Centring on reform of the rural taxes and administrative fees, the purpose is to change those elements in the superstructure in the rural area that are no longer consistent with the economic phase.

And fifth, social security reform. We must step up the development of a social security system that is suitable for China's reality. This is a year of reform, but it is not only so. It is a year we are going to fight the toughest battle in the reform process.
只看该作者 3  发表于: 2005-03-22
[美国彭博新闻社记者] 温总理,中国经济在快速发展出现了很多社会问题,包括贫富差距,解决“三农”问题是您最大的愿望,可是有专家说,除非加强农民土地使用权或者还给农民土地产权,“三农”问题可能很难得到解决。您认为把土地产权还给农民是可能的吗?谢谢。

  [温家宝] 中国的改革是从农村开始的,农村的改革是从土地的经营权开始的。农民的土地是集体所有。我们在改革开始的时候就实行了家庭承包经营的基本经济制度。就是说农民拥有对土地的生产和经营的自主权,以后这个权利不断得到延长,现在我可以直接回答你:农民对土地的经营、生产自主权长期不变,也就是永远不变。

  [台湾年代电视台记者] 在这里有一个问题要请教温总理,就是在刚刚结束的人大会议当中,我知道以非常高的票数通过了反分裂国家法。这部法律因为是刚刚出台的,内容引起相当大的关注。不过我们个人比较关注的部分是在于这里面有相当重要的篇章是强调未来两岸的持续交流的部分。不知道国务院各机关在这部法律的架构之下,将要如何提出具体的措施,来进一步地促进两岸的持续交流?另外我们知道在国内各个城市有很多很多的台商,在这里做生意,甚至是安身立命,不晓得这个新的法律对于这些广大台商们的权益是不是会造成任何影响?甚或相反的,不是有影响,而是对他们的权益进一步保障。

  [温家宝] 我想先问你一句,你看到这部法律没有?

  [台湾年代电视台记者] 看过相关的法条。

  [温家宝] 谢谢这位台湾记者的提问。在这里我首先要向2300万台湾同胞表示问候。 你的问题抓住了我们这个法的一个要害,就是说这个法是一个加强和推进两岸关系的法,是一部和平统一的法,而不是针对台湾人民的,也不是一部“战争法”。


  你问到我采取什么措施,胡锦涛总书记在前不久就台湾问题的重要谈话已经讲到了,我们要保护台商在大陆的合法权益,只要是对台湾人民有利的事情,我们都会去做。第一,尽快将海峡两岸的客运包机,由节日化转向常态化。 第二,要采取措施,解决台湾,特别是台南地区农产品到大陆的销售问题。第三,要尽快地恢复和解决大陆的渔民到台湾去实行劳务输出的问题。 我们还准备出台一系列优惠的政策和方便的措施。

  [路透社记者] 总理先生,人民币的汇率问题一直是国际上很关心的一个问题,中国很多重要的贸易伙伴都敦促中国要采取更为灵活的人民币汇率机制,但是中国说这将是一个长期的过程。眼下你们有没有什么中意的改革计划?第一个变化会是什么?

  [温家宝] 中国的汇率改革是从1994年开始,到现在也没有停止。我们确立的目标是实行根据市场需求、有管理的、浮动的汇率制度。现在我们正在进一步研究改革的方案,使汇率对于市场更富有弹性。

只看该作者 4  发表于: 2005-03-22
[中央电视台记者] 您多次在不同的场合表示,2005年经济工作的重点是推进各项改革,是改革年。在您今年的政府工作报告当中也进一步强调,要坚定不移地深化改革,消除阻碍经济增长和造成经济不稳定的体制性根源。您认为这些体制性根源,哪些是最需要迫切解决的?谢谢您。

  [温家宝] 我曾经在多个场合说过今年是改革年,理由有三个。第一,消除经济中不健康、不稳定的因素,巩固宏观调控的成果,要靠改革。解决经济生活当中的深层次矛盾和问题,调整结构,转变经济增长方式,要靠改革。实现社会公平与正义,构建和谐社会,也要靠改革。中国的改革不是一年的时间,而是长久的任务。但是,有些问题早改比晚改好,否则积重难返。

只看该作者 5  发表于: 2005-03-22
要支持一下,纯支持! 不过不知道是谁翻译的,好像翻译的不是很地道,写地很中国哦。大家想翻译中要避免的问题,都可以仔细钻研这个英文译文。
[ 此贴被manlyming在2005-03-23 00:40重新编辑 ]
只看该作者 6  发表于: 2005-03-23
very well!
只看该作者 7  发表于: 2005-03-23
